October 02, 2015
How will the media portray your athletes?
In today’s fast-paced 24-hour news cycle, your clients must be ready for the unexpected. The news is immediate—from a posting on a blog, to video content on YouTube, a tweet or a press release accessible [...]
In today’s fast-paced 24-hour news cycle, your clients must be ready for the unexpected. The news is immediate—from a posting on a blog, to video content on YouTube, a tweet or a press release accessible worldwide. How your athlete communicates with the media can make the difference between a contract renewal or loss, credibility or loss of reputation.
At Marx Layne, creating effective communications is what we do. For more than 25 years, professional athletes, colleges and universities, businesses and non-profits have retained our agency for media training sessions that provide interview skills to get intended results.
Communicating effectively to the news media is a key element of success for any high-profile athlete. Our media training professionals are former print and broadcast journalists who have a proven track record of guiding professionals, including players, coaches, CEOs, celebrities, lawyers and association executives, through the techniques and disciplines needed for effectiveness in any interview situation.
Our experience has shown that a well-conducted interview, with a message successfully delivered to the media, can produce positive bottom-line results, significantly enhancing credibility and brand equity. On the other hand, a poor performance during crucial media scrutiny can be harmful.
Personalized Media Training Sessions
The Marx Layne team creates exacting, personalized scenarios that are relevant to the issues facing your client. The experience of working with our former print and broadcast journalists utilizing professional video and audio technology helps prepare your management for virtually any media situation.
Message Development Training
Marx Layne media training sessions help you define and deliver your key messages. Our experienced media training staff consists of communications consultants who work with clients to identify, plan and polish messaging. We then help perfect the delivery so that your message is communicated clearly and concisely.
Crisis Communications Training
A reporter calls you asking for an interview. A camera crew is parked outside your house. What do you do? What do you say? The key to successful communication during a crisis is advance planning: What can go wrong? How would you handle it? What’s the most effective way to work with the media? Is your client ready for a worst-case scenario? If you plan response strategies—including press conferences, press statements, and interviews—for all the “what ifs,” you will be ready for anything.
Our Team
The Marx Layne media training team is led by Alan Upchurch, a 25-year veteran of broadcast news including time as News Director at WXYZ-TV Detroit. Other members of the team include those who spent many years producing and reporting news.
Marx Layne Customized Media Training Sessions Prepare You For:
- Television Interviews
- Radio Interviews
- Print Interviews
- Live Call-Ins
- “Ambush” Questioning
- Press Conferences
- Adversity Media Relations
- Editorial Board Meetings
To discuss your needs, please call Alan Upchurch at 248.855.6777.
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