• Online Reputation Audit
  • Managed SEO
  • Online Content Marketing
  • Targeted Media Relations
  • Social Media Management
  • Review and Ratings Management

It takes only a single page of search engine results for a business or individual to be overwhelmed with unfavorable positioning on the internet. As search engines, social platforms, and the news media continue as the corporate battlegrounds to influence and persuade key stakeholders, reputation management often is essential to ongoing viability. A positive online reputation is directly linked to increased sales and profitability, attracting and retaining better talent, and improving customer loyalty

Consumers in every industry (including B2B) use digital content and online searches to make their purchasing decisions. When it comes to funding, startups need to be mindful of their online presence, as do non-profits and educational.

Concise strategies that shape and influence public perception of an organization, individual, or other entity drive overall public sentiment about a business, its products and services, and—most importantly—its people. Unfavorable search results can cause long-term damage to a brand. In an environment where up to 75 percent of market value is derived from difficult-to-assess intangibles such as brand equity, intellectual capital, and goodwill, organizations are particularly susceptible to anything that harms their reputation.

Most organizations have gone to great lengths to develop sophisticated guidelines to assess and manage risk in various areas (commodity prices, manufacturing systems, supply chain, logistics, political, natural disasters, etc.). Reputational risk, however, is often ignored.

What We Do 

Protecting Your Brand

Online reputation audit 

An online reputation audit is one of the most valuable things you can do for your business. A professional online audit conducted by the Marx Layne Reputation Management team reveals what is being said about you and/or your organization, your search results and rankings, how your competitors rank, and factors that are driving the perception of your business. The team at Marx Layne Reputation Management will perform a comprehensive assessment of your online platforms, profiles, social media accounts, content, public relations, and media coverage, as well as images. This will provide you with valuable, data-rich insights to help you better comprehend and enhance your online reputation. Our digital experts utilize specialized tools to dig deep into your online persona and, in turn, formulate specific recommendations on how to improve across all channels and audiences.

Managed SEO  

Search Engine Optimization is an integral component of any online reputation management strategy. In concert with other specialized tactics, it aims to help strengthen an organization’s authority and credibility online. Key elements of our Managed SEO services include:

  • Research and Analysis
  • Competitor research
  • Keyword research
  • Website analysis
  • Backlink Analysis

Online content marketing 

Content marketing is a crucial part of Marx Layne’s online reputation management campaign. Our approach involves creating and sharing relevant, insightful, and consistent information to attract and retain a specific audience. Ultimately, our goal is to drive positive stakeholder action and perception.

Our online content marketing helps build trust for your brand and improves SEO and favorable visibility by impacting search engine article and blog rankings.

Targeted media relations   

The primary difference between online reputation management and media relations is the channels that are utilized to convey their messaging: one focuses on search results, the other on earned news coverage. At Marx Layne, our media relations approach is to aggressively but professionally get in front of reporters instead of passively emailing a news release and awaiting interest or simply posting to a newswire. We consistently position our clients as industry leaders through targeted media coverage: locally, regionally, nationally, and in relevant trade publications. Our team understands how to build and coordinate successful media relations campaigns. We craft personalized story angles to appeal to editors and reporters of particular beats, generating media coverage in multiple media outlets.

Social Media Reputation Management  

Social Media Reputation Management is the culmination of tactics organizations use to elevate brand awareness and reputation on social media. Marx Layne consistently provides effective communication through social media, ensuring seamless integration across various channels, regardless of available or emerging media.

We stay on top of the trends. Social media trends evolve constantly. Marx Layne counsels our clients to prepare for and embrace changes while comprehending the underlying behavior that propels new trends. We research current and emerging social media platforms to help our clients choose, build, and manage profiles within the right networks for their brands.

We manage strategic relationshipsSocial media is where our clients cultivate relationships with their target audiences. We work tirelessly to expand our clients’ following and nurture connections with existing fans. Our social media experts are highly skilled at listening and managing two-way dialogue that raises awareness, changes perceptions, and shifts behavior.

We craft messages that matterAt Marx Layne, we deeply understand our clients’ consumers and key constituencies. We convey that knowledge through carefully crafted messaging, written in the unique voice of each client. We communicate using language specific to our clients’ industries while fitting the context of the respective social platform. Our clients trust us to humanize their brand through posted content and dialogue because we understand their unique voice and tone.

Review and Ratings Management  

A concise strategy that helps businesses respond to online reviews, collect feedback, and generate better online reviews is key to an overall online reputation management program. Marx Layne’s Review Management expertise helps improve online reviews and ratings.







Marx Layne is your competitive advantage.

Your reputation and success are our only concerns.


Our Amazing
