October 04, 2021
Getting into college: Sort out the myths and learn the facts
Getting into college: Sort out the myths and learn the facts
High school seniors will be discussing college plans. But some of what they say may be inaccurate, so be careful to avoid myths and confusing advice about getting into college. Antonio Diaz / iStock
By Barbara Connolly | The Oakland Press | September 20, 2021
After more than a year of online learning, students are returning to school in person. It will be exciting for them to see their classmates and share news about the latest fashion, films and music. And high school seniors will be talking about college. Unfortunately, some students may circulate incorrect information about college admissions, creating confusion and stress.
Here are four myths some students believe, and the facts that you should know about applying to college now.
Myth: “Test optional” means “test free”
Fact: Amid COVID-19 last year, the SAT and ACT were frequently canceled because of infections and rising caseloads. That led colleges to adjust their standardized testing requirements, making test scores an optional part of the application. Most colleges have continued test-optional policies for this year, which means that colleges may still consider test scores, while not requiring them.
Some students, such as those who will be the first in their family to attend college, or those who are a member of a minority underrepresented on college campuses, often face significant barriers to taking the ACT and SAT. In the case of those students, admissions officers may be forgiving about the absence of test scores. Policies vary school-to-school.
On the other hand, there are schools that are actually test blind, meaning that a college will not accept SAT and ACT scores. This group of schools notably includes the entire University of California system. The vast majority of schools are still, however, test optional, not test blind.
Myth: Information about other students who “got in” can be helpful
Fact: There are many tales told about other students getting into college, like “Last year, only legacies got into the University of Michigan,” or “My neighbor got into Harvard without submitting scores.”
These anecdotes are out of context and possibly untrue. For example, the claim that the University of Michigan only admits legacies is totally false.
Parents and teenagers gossip, hearing selective information about a classmate or neighbor. If you have ever played a game of telephone, you will realize just how misleading such information can be.
You cannot know all the factors that led to the admission of any student. Maybe the student in question was the first person in their family to attend college, making the student a priority to a school seeking to democratize higher education. Maybe they won a national competition or prestigious award. Beware of anecdotes.
Myth: The more activities on your résumé, the better
Fact: Colleges are looking for students who excel in two or three areas, not students who are involved in the most extracurriculars. Rather than focus on quantity, emphasize quality.
True passion comes across on the pages of a college application if you dedicate yourself to attaining leadership and exceptional achievement in a sport or club. Winning a state-level award or being elected student body president is better than signing up for 10 clubs. As a college-bound student, you should follow your passion and throw yourself into only a few major commitments.
And if you are working after school and don’t have the time to sign up for multiple clubs, don’t worry! Pulling shifts at your family restaurant or coding for a business can be impressive on college applications, showcasing work ethic and responsibility.
Myth: Do not worry about college until senior year
Fact: This is bad advice and a recipe for intense stress. Many students and families wait until the fall of senior year to start planning for college. However, students should start thinking about the courses they will take and extracurriculars to get involved with sooner, so when senior year arrives, they have enrolled in courses that are challenging for them and they have gained leadership positions in clubs. Also, researching and visiting colleges takes time, so it is best to begin before senior year.
This year when you start school, enjoy sharing your news with friends, but avoid bad advice about getting into college. You can always find correct answers to your questions on college websites. There are no tricks or secrets.
Barbara Connolly, JD, is the founder and director of Birmingham-based College Choice Counseling, and a Certified Educational Planner. She can be reached at barbara@collegecc.com. Her new book, “College Admission Success: Getting Into College Under Any Circumstances,” can be purchased at Amazon. Her recent TEDx talk, “How College Obsession Can Be a Force for Good,” can be viewed on YouTube.
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