April 14, 2020
Corktown Health Center: Risk factors in LGBTQ community from COVID-19
Corktown Health Center's Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones warns of the risk factors faced by the LGBTQ community from COVID-19, and how to protect yourself Masks are becoming standard in the
Corktown Health Center’s Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones warns of the risk factors faced by the LGBTQ community from COVID-19, and how to protect yourself

Masks are becoming standard in the wake of coronavirus. (Pixabay)
COVID-19 has changed how we live our lives for the time being, and has brought deadly consequences to Southeast Michigan as we watch the death toll and infection rate rise each day. These are truly unprecedented times, and in this time of crisis, it’s important to point out that some groups are more vulnerable than others to the illness.
We most often hear about older adults and people with diabetes, heart conditions, and chronic lung disease as the most at risk, but one group that should also be taking extra precautions is the LGBTQ population.
Who’s at risk? Individuals with compromised immune systems are among those who need to be extra careful to protect themselves from COVID-19. My team and I at Corktown Health Center have extensive experience in the treatment of patients from another recent pandemic — the HIV crisis. When you add COVID-19 risks to people who are already immunocompromised, such as patients with HIV, the risk factors go up tremendously for severe illness or death.
More than 100 national organizations have signed a letter created by the LGBT Cancer Network to bring attention to several COVID-19 risk factors among the LGBTQ community, including:
• Higher rates of HIV and cancer in the LGBTQ community: A greater percentage of people with compromised immune systems means that more people are vulnerable to COVID-19 infections.
• Regular medical care is less likely among LGBTQ population, due in part to health care discrimination and lack of understanding by doctors, denial of care or unwelcoming attitudes.
• The smoking rate among LGBTQ individuals is 50% higher than general population rate, leaving weaker respiratory function in many people. COVID-19 targets the lungs, so smokers are at higher risk.
Anyone who is HIV+ or immunocompromised in any way must take the COVID-19 threat seriously, self-isolate and limit their potential exposure in every way possible.
We must work together as a community to get through this crisis. If you are feeling symptoms of COVID-19 and need medical attention, Corktown Health Center is there to help you, or refer you to someone who can. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms of COVID-19 include a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, which are also signs of pneumonia (a known consequence of COVID-19).
Social distancing is the most important recommendation that must be followed if this virus is to be beaten. Stay in touch with your loved ones via technology, if accessible to you, to avoid the negative emotional health consequences (anxiety, depression) social distancing can bring, but keeping distance is essential to halting the spread of COVID-19, especially for at-risk populations.
It’s also critical that medical professionals treat all patients equally, because we can already see that this virus does not discriminate and neither should we. To stop the spread, we have to prevent and treat it in all communities.
New protocols
At Corktown Health Center, we are focused on serving the LGBTQ population in Metro Detroit, and have implemented proper precautions and protocols and we are doing our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 among our staff and patients. Until further notice, all services will be provided by appointment only — including medical, behavioral and HIV care and treatment. Our staff is limited, but we are attempting to treat illnesses over the phone or by telehealth (audio/video) when possible, and continue to provide appropriate medication refills, health related documentation and other requests by phone only.
To avoid COVID-19, the public is advised to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching their faces, cover their coughs and sneezes, try alternatives to the handshake, stay home if they are sick, and to wear a cloth mask if you have to go out into public places.
This is a difficult time for everyone, but through it all we must remain aware of the most vulnerable populations as we work to battle this invisible enemy that is affecting all of our lives.
Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones is medical director at Corktown Health Center in Detroit, and an assistant professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Corktown Health Center is the only health clinic in Michigan focused on the needs of LGBTQ patients. Visit corktownhealth.org.
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