Real Estate Development
Marx Layne & Company has over 35 years of specific experience assisting developers locally and nationwide in the complex communications process. We have worked with developers on everything from adaptive reuse of loft space in dense urban areas to communicating master plans for neo-traditional communities on tracts of undeveloped agricultural land. It has been our experience that developers who carefully plan their communications strategy save time, money, and grief by communicating with targeted audiences throughout each stage of the development process.
Services to commercial, industrial, mixed-use, residential builders, and developers, and property management companies begin with coordinating communications with local officials, along with area residents and decision-makers. The next step involves marketing support to attract buyers and continues with awareness campaigns such as newsletters, media relations, and community relations.
During the site plan and zoning review process, we apply extensive experience to prepare informational kits, public presentations, videos, neighborhood meetings, talking points for hearings, direct mail, and media placements of guest columns and letters to gain support. Our communications, public affairs, and marketing specialists ensure that developers’ messages are clear, responsive, and convincing.
Our copywriters and art directors prepare attractive, attention-getting ads as part of our “creative boutique” approach to full-service marketing. We make sure builders present image-reinforcing sales materials that are effective, informative, graphically pleasing, and cost-effective.
Beyond print materials, we draw prospective buyers through appealing websites, special events, personal media contacts, and by involving developers in community events. One-stop services — such as handling web design, content, and site maintenance – let builders focus on their business while we provide a wide range of communication and marketing tools.
News coverage to reinforce awareness of developments can be earned through opportunities to spotlight distinctive architecture, recreation paths, nature areas, or other amenities.
Marx Layne & Company brings a unique team of experienced professionals to each real estate client. Michael Layne, agency founder, earned a master’s degree in Urban Planning from Wayne State University and worked in that field before joining the public relations profession in the early 1980s. He has a long history of leading all aspects of communications regarding complex rezoning matters for commercial and residential developers.
Marx Layne represents numerous developers including the Building Industry Association of Southeastern Michigan, the American Institute of Architects Michigan, and the Urban Land Institute, Detroit. He is joined by an experienced team of public relations professionals who also have significant background in zoning, media relations, community relations, municipal relations, brochure and newsletter production, and web development.

Marx Layne is your competitive advantage.
Your reputation and success are our only concerns.