Case Study, Automotive, Public Relations, Social Media, Logistics, Special Events, Photography

Panasonic Automotive Systems Company of America: When Time is of the Essence

Panasonic Automotive Systems Company of America (PASA) is an integrated supplier to the automotive industry in North America. The company was preparing to unveil a new product and at the Consumer Electronics Show CES). The company agreed that for the first time, it should have a social media presences as part of the event.


Approval to launch Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels came in from our client on Friday at 5 p.m. (EST). Their press event was slated for Monday at 11 a.m. (PST).


Marx Layne’s graphics director dug in to designing the channel backdrops for Facebook and Twitter and account executives began to immediately draft content. As graphics were being uploaded to the sites, the conversation began. Account team members began retweeting and commenting on posts tagged with relevant hash tags. A targeted Facebook ad was used on help in attracting fans, too.

Product shots were fed back to the digital team the day of the press event for sharing as well.


By the launch of the press event at CES, on top of graphically appealing channels, Facebook had generated several hundred page likes, and provided an easily updatable platform for which to share content during the event.

Likewise, the PASA Twitter account allowed for easy tracking and engagement with journalists attending the event and Instagram garnered interaction with industry-related groups to reinforce the brand’s status.