Good marketing should be designed to raise a company’s brand, sales and bottom-line results.  Whether it’s launching new products or developing and executing creative plans, don’t overlook one of the most important marketing disciplines: media relations. Effective media relations does more than just get a name out there. It boosts awareness of your brand and reinforces your credibility.

It is true media outlets are disappearing and reporting staffs are shrinking in both print and broadcast. Because opportunities for impactful media coverage are fewer, it’s more critical than ever to have a solid team of experts to identify the reporters and media to tell your story. That starts with determining your target audience and what you want to accomplish. Drive more people to your web site? Increase sales of a specific product? Brand awareness? Or establishing a top executive as a go-to media source?

A great media story has real power. Knowing the influential reporters and having the relationships to generate great coverage is the chief reason you need outstanding media relations. Also vital to good interviews and improved messaging is media training which teaches you how to be more quotable and confident during interviews.

Media placements also play a big role in search engine optimization (SEO) and online reputation management. Having online media results that rank highly and display your organization’s messages are great  endorsements. They are especially meaningful because they come from 3rd party members of the media.

Along with positive media coverage a good public relations firm will develop other news content including video, webinars, blogs and white papers. Social media and blog pages are perfect places to share your latest news. The media, prospective clients, and key stakeholders will recognize your brand’s expertise and your company’s unique capabilities.

Whether large or small every organization needs to generate positive publicity for its brand and thoughtful, aggressive media relations should be an integral part of a marketing plan. For more information about how Marx Layne can assist with a high level, public relations plan go to